Set Yoghurt

Improve Functional Properties

Ingredient Solutions for Set Yoghurt

We know yoghurt from ancient times. However, it’s only recently that we know the scientific reason why milk is turned into yoghurt under special circumstances.

With full awareness of the method we can manage and control the fermentation down to the smallest detail, regardless if a plain or flavoured yoghurt added a splash of fruit.

Set yogurt is fermented in the tub and this way it’s possible to create a thicker texture. 

With the right stabilizer and bacterial culture, we can make a unique yoghurt that meets the requirements in regards to texture, mouthfeel and acidity.

LACTO Technology delivers solutions for both fresh milk and recombined milk, but facing the fact that fresh milk is not always an option, we have specialized in making amazing yoghurt using milk powder.

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Explore our Applications

Ice Cream

Recombined Milk

Thick Cream

Stirred Yoghurt

Set Yoghurt

Evaporated Milk

Explore our Applications

Ice Cream

Recombined Milk

Thick Cream

Stirred Yoghurt

Set Yoghurt

Evaporated Milk

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